Bravo PH Study
What is Bravo PH Study? The Bravo™ reflux testing system is a minimally invasive test for evaluation of heartburn or related symptoms. Bravo test involves a miniature pH capsule, which is approximately the size of a gel cap. The capsule is temporarily attached to the wall of your oesophagus. It measures how often and how […]
Consulting Services
Consulting Services We believe in providing comprehensive care for all your gut complications. Hence consultation is an integral part of our service. Doctors at My Gut Care have expertise in a broad range of areas of luminal gastroenterology and hepatology. Most common reasons for gastroenterology consultations include but not limited to Iron deficiency anemia (Investigation […]
Capsule Endoscopy
What is capsule endoscopy? Capsule endoscopy is also known as pill-camera or video capsule endoscopy. It involves swallowing a 10x 27mm capsule (Approximately size of a multivitamin tablet), which contains a tiny camera, batteries, light source and transmitter. After swallowing, the capsule travels like a piece of food through the gastrointestinal system. It captures 2 […]
Oesophageal Manometry
What is Oesophageal manometry? Oesophageal manometry also known as oesophageal physiology study is a procedure that measures the strength and function of the muscles in your oesophagus (the “food pipe”) that work to push food and liquids from the mouth down to the stomach. A thin, flexible tube that contains sensors is passed through the […]
24hr PH Study
What is 24hr Oesophageal PH study? The 24hr oesophageal pH study measures how often and how much acid from the stomach enters the oesophagus over a 24 hour period which may be accountable for your symptoms of reflux, cough or chest pain. Normally the stomach contents do not enter the oesophagus due to constricted Lower […]